Death to Frere Jacques
Saturday, July 18, 2009 | Music
This is a performance of the third movement from Mahler's first symphony, but done with a little bit of choreography. The group performing is the Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Jack Taylor.
A few background things...This movement is based on the song "Frere Jacques", also known as "Are you sleeping?" - except in this version, Mahler has it in the minor mode, hence the thread title "death to Frere Jacques." It's heard as a canon (also known as a "round" like "row, row, row your boat"). If you're familiar with classical music and have heard of Haydn's Farewell Symphony, you might know that the symphony ends with the musicians gradually leaving the stage until only one is left. Mahler's first starts with only 1 instrument (timpani), and gradually adds instruments for the canon, so Jack wanted to do something like the Farewell symphony, except backwards.
presented for it's greatness,
a blog post by Kyle Smith
May 23, 2007
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